ATV/UTV Usage on City Streets Postponed

The new ordinance for ATV/UTV usage on city streets will not go into effect April 1. Once signage is posted ATV/UTV usage will be allowed.  A notice will be posted in the Oconto County Reporter at that time.  Please contact Oconto City Hall if you have any questions (920) 834-7711.

Mayor Lloyd Heier
City of Oconto

City of Oconto Job Opportunities

The City of Oconto Parks Department has job opportunities for the following Summer-time, Part-time positions: Parks laborer and Campground laborer.  These positions work from the end of May until Labor Day.  Applications are available at Oconto City Hall, 1210 Main Street, Oconto, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 13th, 2017.

The application form can be found here: