Month: March 2019
Radium Information
Important Information about Your Drinking Water
Levels of Radium, (226 + 228) in Oconto Waterworks water exceed standard
The City of Oconto’s Utility Commission has been informed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources that Well #7 located on VanHecke Ave has exceeded the Radium, (226 + 228) maximum contaminant level (MCL) based on four quarterly samples taken. The average of these samples is 5.345 PCI/L, which exceeds the 5 PCL/L for Radium, (226 + 228) as specified in ch.NR 809, Wis. Adm. Code.
Well 7 can be used in an emergency but will be shut down until a solution is found to keep the levels under the MCL. The City of Oconto has two other wells that will supply our residents with safe drinking water.
What precautions should be taken at this time?
You do not need to use an alternative (e.g., bottled) water supply. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult with your doctor.
What does this mean?
This is not an immediate risk. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately. Some people who drink water containing radium 226 or 228 in excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer. For example if you drank 2 liters of water every day over a seventy year period with the above MCL’s you would have a one in 10,000 chance of getting cancer.
The number one priority of the City is to supply safe drinking water to its customers and will work with the DNR and its staff as well as other water specialists to resolve the problem as soon as possible. We will notify you when the problem is resolved
If you have any questions regarding the safety of our drinking water, please contact:
Jeremy Wusterbarth-Superintendent of Public Works & Utilities at 920-834-7725
1210 Main Street, Oconto, WI 54153
Radium Levels in Well 7
Important Information about your Drinking Water
Levels of Radium, (226 + 228) in Oconto Waterworks water exceed standard
The samples listed below indicate the presence of Radium, (226 + 228) in excess of the 5 PCl/l Maximum Contaminant level (MCl) in your drinking water and are a violation of State and Federal Safe Drinking Water Regulations.
A water sample collected in September, 2018 indicated the presence of Radium, (226 + 228) above the MCL. Further sampling between December 2018 and January 2019 confirmed the high levels of Radium, (226 + 228).
What precautions should be taken at this time? You do not need to use an alternative (e.g., bottled) water supply. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.
What does this mean? This is not an immediate risk. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately. Some people who drink water containing radium 226 or 228 in excess of the MCl over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
What is being done to correct the problem? Well 7 has been take off-line until the problem is
Corrected. The Oconto Utility Commission has two other wells located in the City of Oconto which
Will supply safe drinking water to all residents.
We are working to resolve this problem as soon as possible. We will notify you when the
Problem is resolved.
If you have questions regarding the safety of our drinking water, please contact:
Jeremy Wusterbarth (Superintendent of Public Works & Utilities) 920-834-7725
1210 Main St – Oconto, WI 54153
I certify that the information and statements contained in this public notice are true and correct and have been provided to consumers in accordance with the delivery, content, format, and deadline requirements in Subchapter VII of ch. NR 809, Wis. Adm. Code.
Jeremy Wusterbarth – 3/18/19