Harbor Road Construction Update – 07.30.21

Oconto Breakwater Park boat ramp access will close at 9:00 p.m. Sunday night August 1st and will re-open Friday August 6th due to curb & gutter construction.

Residents living on Bayshore Rd will have to use Cty Rd Y from Bayshore Rd when trying to gain access into the city.

Residents living on Harbor Rd will have to park in the Breakwater Park parking lot until curb & gutter is installed and has 7 days of cure time.

The Dockside Restaurant will be open to customers and they may use BayShore Rd to access the restaurant. 

The city understands the inconvenience construction brings to your area and appreciates your cooperation during this process. We will keep updates on the City of Oconto Facebook page as well as cityofoconto.com.

Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns at the below contacts

Jeremy Wusterbarth

Superintendent of Public Works & Utilities

City of Oconto

920-373-2408 – cell
