City of Oconto

The City of Oconto Department of Public Works will begin its spring curbside collection of leaves and garden waste on October 11th and ending pick-up November 12th. This material should be placed at the curb in separate piles. Leaves should be in a row no more than 4 feet wide and approximately 3 feet high. Leaves should be placed in open areas and not around obstacles such as street signs or trees or will not be picked up. Bagged material or mixed material will not be picked up.

Do not put leaves into the street. Place the leaves between the curb and the sidewalk and as close to the curb as possible. Leaves placed on the street will not be picked-up unless placed back in the area defined for proper pick-up. Brush cannot be mixed in with leaf piles.

Residents may also bring their loose leaves and garden waste to the City’s yard waste site, which is located at 1616 Main St.

It is not possible to accurately tell residents the exact day their leaves and garden wastes will be picked up.

If you have any questions, call 834-7725 between 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

 Jeremy Wusterbarth

 Superintendent of Public Works & Utilities


We would like to offer a big THANK YOU to PJ Reed for organizing and running fundraisers to get the beginner/intermediate Ramptech ramp for the Sharpe Park Skateboard Park. Also a big THANK YOU to all the people who participated in the fundraisers to help with this project. The ramp would not have been possible otherwise. THANK YOU for your generosity.