January 13, 2025
This is a Notice of Closed Bid Opportunity for City-Owned Property in the City of Oconto
Property Description: City-Owned Vacant Property, Parcel #26530181761603, Zoning: R2 Single & Two Family Residential, wetlands present, does not currently have utilities installed.
The City of Oconto is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the city-owned vacant parcel. Bids must meet the following criteria:
- Minimum Bid: $600
- Submission Deadline & Bid Opening Date: All sealed bids must be received by 12:00 pm on February 13, 2025. Bids will be publicly opened on February 13, 2025, at 12:00 pm, at Oconto City Hall, Front Office, 1210 Main St, Oconto WI 54153.
Sealed bids should be clearly marked with “Closed Bid – Vacant Parcel” and submitted to:
City of Oconto, Attn: Brittney Burruel
1210 Main Street, Oconto, WI 54153
For additional details or to arrange an inspection of the property, please contact Jeremy Wusterbarth at 920-834-7725 or jeremy@cityofocontowi.gov.
The City of Oconto reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding process.