Applying for a Pet Licenses
If you live in Oconto and have a dog or cat, then you will need to purchase a City of Oconto dog or cat license. Oconto Dog and Cat Tags are available and may be purchased at Oconto City Hall, 1210 Main Street. All dogs and cats over the age of 5 months in Oconto must have a license. Proof of rabies inoculation is required at the time of application.
The annual dog license fee is $3 for spayed females and neutered males and $8 for unneutered males and unspayed females. The annual cat license is $3.
Dog and Cat Licenses must be obtained or renewed not later than March 31st each calendar year. A late charge of $5 will be charged for any license issued after March 31st. If you have any questions please call 920-834-7711.
Applying for a Liquor Licenses
To apply for a License to Serve Fermented Malt Beverages and/or Intoxicating Liquor (bartender license), use this document:
All necessary forms for a tavern/retail license are available at the City Administrator’s Office at 1210 Main Street.
Applicants are strongly urged to call ahead for their document packet needs.
You may reach the City Administrator’s office at (920)834-7711.