Candlelight Walk 2025

The annual 2025 Candlelight Walk at Copper Culture State Park will held on Saturday, February 8th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm.

The walk, hot chocolate, cookies, and warming fires are all FREE!

Dress accordingly and bring a flashlight if desired.

The event is sponsored by Oconto Parks & Recreation Department, Oconto County Historical Society, and with help from the Wisconsin DNR.

Set-up will start at 3:00 pm, with clean-up at 8:15 pm. Any help with one or both would be greatly appreciated.

Any questions, or if you are able to help with set-up or clean-up, please call the City of Oconto City Hall at (920)834-7711.

Hope to see you there!

Letter from the Mayor – WWTP Upgrade

Letter from the Mayor

January 20, 2025

Please see the statement below from Utility Manager Matt Beekman regarding the work being done at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

 This is Matt Beekman, the Utility Manager for the City, the WWTP upgrade consists of a new Headworks Building with all new mechanicals (pumps, piping, controls etc.), a new grit removal system, and a new septic receiving station.  Included in the project is bringing the existing building into compliance for safety and HVAC issues.  This will consist of removal of the existing pumps and grit removal system as well as the “Tee Cup”.  The original contract bid was $6,111,566.45 and the project was then value engineered to remove several items that brought the cost down to $5,625,496.70.  The project is funded by a bond issued to the Utility and additional funds for the project coming from the PPE Replacement Fund.  The project is totally funded by Utility monies.  Robert E. Lee (REL) was the Utility’s design engineer on this project at a cost of $271,815.42 and REL is also the construction oversight engineer with an approved contractual amount of $244,900.00.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me, my cell phone number is 920-373-3699 or through my work email at

In 2025, the Utility approved a routine simple rate increase of 4%. For the average family of four home, this would be an estimated increase of around $9.00 on your quarterly utility bill.


Cliff Martin

Mayor City of Oconto

Notice of Closed Bid Opportunity for City-Owned Property in the City of Oconto

January 13, 2025

This is a Notice of Closed Bid Opportunity for City-Owned Property in the City of Oconto

Property Description: City-Owned Vacant Property, Parcel #26530181761603, Zoning: R2 Single & Two Family Residential, wetlands present, does not currently have utilities installed. 

The City of Oconto is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the city-owned vacant parcel. Bids must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum Bid: $600
  • Submission Deadline & Bid Opening Date: All sealed bids must be received by 12:00 pm on February 13, 2025. Bids will be publicly opened on February 13, 2025, at 12:00 pm, at Oconto City Hall, Front Office, 1210 Main St, Oconto WI 54153.

Sealed bids should be clearly marked with “Closed Bid – Vacant Parcel” and submitted to:
City of Oconto, Attn: Brittney Burruel
1210 Main Street, Oconto, WI 54153

For additional details or to arrange an inspection of the property, please contact Jeremy Wusterbarth at 920-834-7725 or

The City of Oconto reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding process.

City of Oconto Alderperson at Large Filing Deadline Extended 72 Hours

January 7, 2025


City of Oconto Alderperson at Large Filing Deadline Extended Until January 10, 2025

The deadline for filing nomination papers for the Spring 2025 election for City of Oconto Alderperson at Large has been extended until Friday, January 10, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. 

An extension of the deadline occurs when one or more incumbents do not file nomination papers or a declaration of non-candidacy by the required deadlines.

Any questions should be directed to Brittney M. Burruel, City Administrator.

City of Oconto Room Tax

Effective January 1, 2024

The City of Oconto has implemented an 8% Room Tax beginning on January 1, 2024. The State of Wisconsin Statutes ensure that 70% of all room tax monies collected go towards promoting tourism in our City. The remaining 30% stays within the municipality to help fund our local municipal priorities. Tourism plays an important role in the City’s economy. Tourism & Economic Development Corporation for the Oconto Region (TEDCOR), as the tourism entity for the City, along with the City of Oconto Tourism Commission, take responsibility for overseeing expenditures of room tax dollars for tourism promotion and development, with a goal of attracting and generating paid overnight stays and putting heads in beds. As such, these room tax dollars provide for the continued planning and growth of the City as a tourist destination.




2025 Dog & Cat License – DUE April 1, 2025

Pursuant to Section 174.052, Wisconsin Statutes, rabies vaccinations and dog licenses are required for all dogs who are 5 months of age or older.

Vaccinations against rabies are required per Section 95.21(2), Wisconsin Statutes, within 30 days after the dog reaches 5 months of age and shall be repeated within one year after the initial vaccination.  In addition, dogs shall be revaccinated when their rabies certificate expires.  A certificate documenting that the dog’s rabies vaccinations are current shall be presented to the treasurer when obtaining an annual dog license.

The owner of a dog more than 5 months of age on January 1 or within the licensing year shall obtain an annual dog license.  Any person who keeps more than one dog shall contact their municipal treasurer regarding the availability of a multiple dog license.

2025 Dog Licensing tags shall be obtained by April 1, 2025 from your Municipal Clerk.

Late fees of $5.00 are assessed after April 1, 2025.

2025 dog and cat licenses can be purchased at City Hall. Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:00 pm

Proof of rabies vaccination is required, along with payment.


Dogs: $3.00 (spayed/neutered) or $8.00 (non-spayed/non-neutered)

Cats: $3.00

Or mail this form (2025 Dog & Cat License Application) to City Hall along with payment.

Oconto City Hall, 1210 Main St, Oconto, WI 54153



City of Oconto Residents,

Please remove any political and campaign signs by the end of this week, Sunday, December 15th.

Our Code Enforcement Officer will be issuing citations to anyone with political or campaign signs still erected on Monday, December 16th.

Please see our City Ordinance below.

Thank you for your cooperation!