Lost & Found


A tacklebox was found at the City Docks on Monday 9/30/24 at 7:30 am.

You will need to provide a description of the box when claiming it to ensure it finds its right owner.

It can be picked up at the City Hall Front Office, 1210 Main Street, Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Notice of Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Text Revisions in the City of Oconto, Oconto, Wisconsin

October 15, 2024

Notice of Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Text Revisions in the City of Oconto, Oconto, Wisconsin

October 15, 2024

6:00 P.M. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in the City of Oconto that there will be a PUBLIC HEARING before the Oconto City Council in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, 1210 Main Street, Oconto, WI  54153, to solicit comments on proposed multiple zoning ordinances text revisions. A copy of the proposed ordinance text revisions is available at Oconto City Hall, Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or at www.cityofoconto.com.

– Prohibiting Shipping Container Accessory Buildings in R1 Residential, R2 Residential, R3 Multifamily Residential, RMH Mobile Home Park District, and REC Recreational District (An Ordinance (An Ordinance Regarding Prohibited Uses – Shipping Container Accessory Buildings)

– Allowing one (1) Accessory Building on a Vacant Property (An Ordinance Regarding Allowing One Accessory Building on Vacant Property)

– Increasing Accessory Buildings Allowed (An Ordinance Regarding Allowing Two Accessory Buildings Excluding One Detached Garage)

– Temporary Tents (An Ordinance Regarding Temporary Tents & Storage Tents)

– Adding the Definition of Banner in the Sign Ordinance (An Ordinance Regarding Addition of Banner Definition)

All persons interested are invited to attend this hearing and be heard. Written comments may be submitted to: City of Oconto, Attn: Brittney Burruel, 1210 Main St, Oconto, WI 54153

Ordinance on Spotlight – Political and Campaign Signs

Every town, village, city, and county has ordinances. An ordinance is a written law adopted by a municipal governing authority, i.e., a town board, a village board, a city council, or a county board. Ordinances address things like public health and safety, land use and zoning, and government administration.

A municipal code of ordinances provides an organized location for all current rules and regulations affecting the municipality. It provides citizens, municipal staff, and third parties with one basic source for knowing the current rules and regulations of the municipality. 

Ordinances are put into place to protect the safety and well-being of their municipality as a whole. They ensure the municipality will be fair and consistent with all businesses, property owners, and residents within the municipality.

Ordinance on Spotlight is designed to bring awareness to current City Ordinances. Knowledge and transparency are keys to happiness and success!




Sec. 13-1-148. Signs Not Requiring a Permit.

Signs not requiring a permit are as follows:

(11)   Political and Campaign Signs. Political and campaign signs on behalf of candidates for public office or measures on election ballots, provided that such signs are subject to the following regulations:

a.   Such signs may be erected only upon private property.

b.  The person or organization responsible for the erection or distribution of any such sign, or the owner, or his agent, of the property upon which the signs may be located, shall be responsible for removal and disposal of such signs pursuant to the provisions of this Section.

c.   Such signs may not be erected more than ninety (90) days prior to the primary, special, or general election to which they are pertinent.

d.  Such signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the primary, special or general election to which they are pertinent.

e.  Each sign, except billboards, shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in nonresidential zoning districts and sixteen (16) square feet in residential zoning districts.

f.   No sign shall be placed upon a building or a zoning lot that will create a traffic or safety hazard. The City Police Department shall be primarily responsible for determining safety and traffic factors of such sign. If determined that any signage is a traffic and/or safety factor, the City Police Department shall have the authority to remove such signage.


Oconto School Cross Country Meet @ Oconto’s Holtwood Sporting Complex

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

On Tuesday, October 1st, Oconto’s Holtwood Sporting Complex will be hosting a home Oconto High School & Oconto Middle School Cross Country meet for boys & girls. Teams will arrive at approximately 2-2:30 pm. Racing times start as follows:

  • 4:00 pm – Girl’s Middle School Race
  • 4:25 pm – Boy’s Middle School Race
  • 4:50 pm – HS Varsity Girl’s 5k Open
  • 5:40 pm – HS Varsity Boy’s 5k Open

 Joel’s Reel Inn will be providing concessions for purchase. The road down to the Holtwood Sporting Complex Launch (Ballpark Road) & the road on the South end of the Holtwood Campground (Log Road) to go in and out of the South end will be CLOSED from 1:45 pm until racing is completed. (Approximately 6:45 pm they will open)

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

The City of Oconto and the City of Oconto Parks & Recreation Department extend a BIG WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK to all teams participating!


October 14, 2024 thru November 15, 2024 or when weather permits



City of Oconto

The City of Oconto Department of Public Works will begin its fall curbside collection of leaves and garden waste on October 14th and ending pick-up November 15th or when weather permits. This material should be placed at the curb in separate piles. Leaves should be in a row no more than 4 feet wide and approximately 3 feet high. Leaves should be placed in open areas and not around obstacles such as street signs or trees or will not be picked up. Bagged material or mixed material will not be picked up.

Do not put leaves into the street. Place the leaves between the curb and the sidewalk and as close to the curb as possible. Leaves placed on the street will not be picked-up unless placed back in the area defined for proper pick-up. Brush cannot be mixed in with leaf piles.

Residents may also bring their loose leaves and garden waste to the City’s yard waste site, which is located at 1616 Main St.

It is not possible to accurately tell residents the exact day their leaves and garden wastes will be picked up.

If you have any questions, call 834-7725 between 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

 Jeremy Wusterbarth

 Superintendent of Public Works